Theodora Alves, BS, MS-OD, MS-Psy-Counseling


My Story

Initially my career began in the business world. In 1977 I spent two years working as a wage and salary analyst for the company responsible for standardizing the wage and salary structures for the entire emerging DotCom industry in Silicon Valley and beyond.

Moving my children to a small Sierra mountain town, I worked as a business developer for an independent real estate franchise. I lead our company to achieve the honor of becoming the Top Producing Independent Franchise throughout all of the western states, including Colorado and Hawaii. A professional standing our company maintained throughout my time there.

My “real” career calling began in 1980.

My newborn daughter came into the world with a life threatening infection. For eight months infections raged, threatening my daughter’s life and bewildered the medical world. Finally, she was diagnosed as a Severe Congenital Neutropenic. Her bone marrow did not produce white cells necessary for a functional immune system. Without an immune system, she was not expected to live past the age of four. Being an exceptionally rare condition worldwide, few medical notes could be found, yet all evidence indicated a massive infection would soon terminate her life.

Utilizing all of my skills, background and tenacity to discover alternative routes to support my daughter’s health in cooperation with the medical world, we embarked upon a twenty-one year journey, discovering how to enjoy the very best quality of life. My daughter became a pre-school teacher - yes, without an immune system - and she created her own business making delectable chocolate truffles that were commercially marketed. She chose to die gracefully on her own terms.

Throughout my years in the hospital, I found myself interfacing with children and their families in the hospital setting.


I assisted parents as they struggled with the medical system and the day-to-day challenges of raising chronically ill and medically fragile children. I found myself visiting with chronically ill children who were learning to endure frequent hospitalizations, and some of them, facing their own death. Upon the suggestion of my daughter’s attending physician, I began to focus my education on helping these children and their families.

Theory was one thing, but practicality was something completely different.

Learning to manage my own personal experiences provided me with real hands-on, day-to-day knowledge that I now share with my clients.

Later, as a wife, I found myself learning how to once again balance my life as I supported my husband through his journey with terminal cancer.

I commit to meeting my clients with compassion, understanding and support.

  • Guiding Care Providers, to proactively care for their loved ones, while discovering the journey they are on is rich with opportunities for personal insight and empowerment.

  • Supporting those facing medical challenges with a careful ear tuned to their wishes and desires.

  • Supporting the griever so that they can once again fully embrace life.

Grief strikes in many ways. It can be the loss of dreams, loss of independence, or loss of life.


It is through our Grief, we learn to live life, in a new way.

With warm regards,



My Resume

Traditional Training:
B.S. Business Administration, San Jose State University, CA
MS -Psychology, Organizational Development, Sonoma State University, CA
MS -Psychology Counseling, Sonoma State University, CA

Additional Training Includes:
Shamanic Apprenticeship - Death Walk
Metaphysical Training at the Metaphysical Advanced Learning Institute, Santa Rosa, CA
Energy Medicine
Soul Destiny
Living Intuition

Grief and Loss Internship with Marylin Beckwith, Grass Valley, CA
Additional Grief and Loss Studies at Sonoma State University, CA
Internship and Practitioner under Dr. Jeffrey Cram PhD, Biofeedback, Understanding Grief Pain

I would like to acknowledge with great honor, all of the children and adults who have invited me to join them on their death walk into the Spirit world. Without having had the opportunity to share their journeys, I would not be as convinced as I am, that “one’s spirit” really does go on.

I would like to acknowledge the following people who stepped beyond their professions to serve as my teachers and guides, assisting me with my daughter on our journey:
Dr. Barbara Beach, Pediatric Hematologist Oncologist, Oakland Children’s Hospital, CA;
Shakti Gawain - Creative Visualization - Identifying form follows thought;
Dannon Parry - Conflict Resolution - Affects of Inner Conflict on health;
Dr. Larry Dorsey - Power of Prayer Practice of Medicine - Mind Body Interventions;
Bill Moyers - Healing the Mind workshops
Dr. Sarah Woener, Pediatric Hematologist, Grass Valley, CA