Thank Yous


Grief and Loss Counseling

“When my daughter died suddenly in a helicopter accident, I felt like I died with her. I felt numb and empty. Theodora saved my life! She knew what I was going through, she had lost her own daughter, the other therapists I had seen did not understand what I was going through. With her compassion, understanding and comfort I was able to learn to enjoy life. Then my husband died suddenly, and I was devastated. My life began to spiral out of control. Again, I reached out to Theodora and her comforting and deep understanding gave me hope I did not believe possible. A year later my son died. Theodora was there for me and helped carry me through my grief. She has a way of looking deep into you that is comforting and soothing. She just knows. Today I am able to enjoy life fully and have an active social life. Theodora helped me transition into an Assisted Living Community which has given me great comfort and contentment. I feel safe. And I am happy again.” D.D.

“An accident changed my life forever. Theodora helped me grieve that part of me I lost and has helped me discover a new me. I still struggle at times, but Theodora has helped me understand myself better and has given me tools to support myself. She really understands. She just seems to know, like she has x-ray vision. I am more capable now than I ever dreamed I could be.” N.C.

“I had lots of losses that left me not knowing what I wanted or who I was. Theodora’s ability to listen to me and really hear me helped me to discover who I really am. She taught me about awareness, and how to listen to the truth in my body. I discovered a new me and am pursuing a career I love.” P.S.

"I was introduced to Theodora during a period of turmoil in my personal life. I was unable to navigate myself out of certain situation with clarity. Her gentle, intuitive and empathetic approach helped me to get back to myself. She helped me to realize and identify my strengths and move forward in life with them in mind. She has decades of education, knowledge and experience in this field. She is truly unique person and I am very grateful to know her." P.C.

“I didn’t know I was grieving my childhood and my loss of innocence when I first came to see Theodora. I was referred to her by my doctor’s nurse. I had fallen into destructive and unhealthy patterns. Theodora listened intently to my story and was able to help me begin to grieve the loss of my innocence as a very young child and how that loss had created a lot of complex issues in my life. Slowly I gained a greater insight into my life and because I knew where the unhealthy patterns came from, I could begin to change my life. Theodora opened my eyes to the gift of honoring myself and appreciating myself. I have gained a lot of insight and strength to make the changes in my life I have been wanting to make for over 40 years. Today I enjoy a perspective of the world that I once would have rejected. It is through this new perspective, my life is richer and I enjoy life much more than I thought possible.” D.M.

"When my husband died I did not know how to cope. Everything was overwhelming. Not only was I faced with the everyday task of raising my teenage daughter and running a 5 acre horse household but also my devastating grief. Theodora helped me overcome my fear of my responsibilities by supporting and guiding me through everyday challenges and expertly through my despair. I felt supported and cared for while navigating a new path to finding an inner strength leading to new beginnings." C.M.

I’ve experienced lots of losses, and at this point, I’ve done around 30 years of therapy, which has helped, but my work with Theodora has far exceeded what I’ve done with all of the others. She’s very intuitive and has the ability to get to the crux of a person’s problem, bringing great insight to the client. With this insight, healing occurs at an accelerated rate. She’s really the best therapist I’ve ever worked with. I’ve gotten so much more from my sessions with her than I have with anyone else. The other therapists were very good, but Theodora is exceptional.” P. C.

“I had experienced a lot of what I thought were insignificant losses, but something just wasn’t working in my life. Theodora has the incredible talent to question deep into a situation and bring things up that you haven’t thought about before. It’s like having the wisest person available at your time of need.” D.C.

Guidance for Care Providers

“When my daughter became disabled, I was overwhelmed with everything, I didn’t know what to do. Theodora was very calm, steady and helped me first overcome my shock. I discovered I was grieving the loss of my healthy daughter and the life I knew. Then she helped guide me through the medical issues and all the doctors, how to keep important notes and when to ask for another opinion. Mostly she taught me how to ask the medical people to slow down, so I could better understand what was happening. She also taught me how to listen to my own inner guidance. I have become much more confident in myself than I was before my daughter’s accident. I don’t feel guilty any more. I feel strong and capable. My daughter and I have a lot of fun together now and she’s doing so much better. I know it’s because I’ve changed that everything is better now.” B.K.

“My husband was in an accident that revealed a diagnosis we were not aware of, a long slow debilitating disease, that eventually ended in his death. I was referred to Theodora and she first explained to me that I was entering a marathon. I’m so glad she told me, because that’s exactly what it was. For years my husband grew weaker and more complicated. Theodora helped me realize I was struggling with anticipatory grief. By learning to become pro-active, I didn’t worry so much or was as scared as I know I would have been. She guided me to resources that helped support me, she helped me create a team that also supported me in my day-to-day needs. I could not have made it through all those years without Theodora’s practical guidance. Her knowledge of how to navigate the medical world proved to be invaluable. When my husband died, she helped me through the grieving process with loving compassion and understanding. Slowly, I’m finding my way back into the world, with her help, I can now enjoy my memories of my husband without remembering those years of trauma.” A.J.

Patient Advocacy Training

"Thank you Theodora for teaching me to navigate the medical world. Your guidance was invaluable. With your help I have become an effective advocate for my sister-in-law who struggles from the adverse effects of bone a marrow transplant needed because of AML leukemia. At one point she was literally at deaths door weighing only 74 lbs. With your guidance we were able to get her the medical attention that she needed to once again thrive. She is now over 100 pounds and getting stronger every day!" D.M.