Grief and Loss

Photo by iamnoonmai/iStock / Getty Images


No one escapes the experience of loss. When we have experienced a significant loss, it’s as if our life was once contained in this beautiful box. We were surrounded by those we loved, a life we cherished and an understanding of ourselves that brought us great comfort. There was a picture on the box depicting who we were, and all that which gave us comfort, purpose, and meaning.

Suddenly, one day, the box blew open with the death of our beloved.

Or perhaps the diagnoses of a life threatening illness of our child, spouse, or family member. Loss from divorce, perhaps further complicated by anger and betrayal. Suicide, leaving guilt in its wake. Perhaps loss of our beloved pet, or the loss of our home. Losses that leave us stunned by shock, feeling alone, disoriented or overwhelmed, these are some of the experiences of grief.


In all cases, everything we once knew as our “normal” was suddenly cast about the room. Thousands of tiny broken shards of our self, our understanding, our life as we knew it - scattered into broken bits, like puzzle pieces.

We pick up the box to find the picture, so we can put our lives back the way it was.

But the picture’s been torn off. There are no guidelines. All that remains is a pile of broken bits of our life, memories, regrets, hopes and dreams we once held dear. Overwhelmed by grief, it’s seems impossible to put this “picture” right again.

How I Help you

Each griever experiences loss in their own unique way, no two grievers grieve the same. Husbands and wives do not grieve the same. Young adults do not grieve like their parents or younger siblings. Children do not grieve like adults.

Grief affords us the opportunity, unlike any other experience in life, to grow more fully into ourselves and realize our true destiny in this lifetime.

Together we embark upon this journey through grief. Exploring each broken piece and finding the strength to rebuild our lives with a deeper understanding of who we are, and why we’re here. Learning to integrate our losses into our day-to-day lives, thereby enriching our understanding of our life, adds richness to our life experiences.