Care Providers

Guidance for Care Providers

Few experiences in life are more frightening and overwhelming than finding yourself suddenly involved with the care of a family member who’s facing a life threatening illness, or a long-term complicated diagnosis.

Learning to navigate the medical system and your insurance regulations can be a daunting task, especially when you’re already exhausted, stressed and frightened for the future.

Learning to understand the language unique to the medical professionals can also leave you feeling alienated and lost.

It is my goal to help Care Providers understand the world in which they must now function to achieve the care and treatment their loved one requires.

Together we identify immediate needs, obstacles and challenges ahead.


Understanding how to get the help you need, how to build a community of support and how to identify “real fear” from projected fear, creates a foundation from which one can become proactive and successful in managing their day-to-day life.

Learning to pace one’s self for the long haul is not unlike preparing to run a marathon. I provide you with real life tools to support yourself while meeting the demands of a medical crises and apparent chaos.

Most importantly, I help you discover yourself while in the process of caring for another. Meeting another’s needs can be all encompassing, however, together we will identify and develop your own core strength and resilience so that you can master the challenges before you.

The role of Care Provider provides a unique opportunity for one to learn about themselves. Learning how to face stressful situations with a new perspective alleviates the negative effects on one’s body. As my clients become aware of the greater journey they are on, they find comfort and strength from within to meet the challenges before them.